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CMe3100 Add-ons and Licenses

Add-ons and Licences

As an M-Bus Gateway, the CMe3100 offers numerous functions for remote meter reading. CMe3100 add-ons can be used to activate new services, such as DLMS, Modbus, REST or JSON. For optimal scalability, a licensing option can be used to increase the number of meters that can be managed.

The add-ons and licences offer the option to customise the functionality and capacity of the CMe3100 Gateway to suit requirements. This means that licence files can also subsequently be imported remotely via the web browser.

CMe3100 Add-ons and Licenses

By purchasing a CMe3100 add-on, new add-ons can be enabled for CMe3100, for example Modbus, REST or JSON, and by purchasing a CMe3100 meter license, the number of meters a CMe3100 is able to use is easily extended.

N.b! Activating new plugins require a certain firmware of the CMe3100, which means that a firmware upgrade might be neeeded in order to start use the plugin. If purchasing a CMe3100 including a plugin, the CMe3100 is delivered with the latest firmware and a firmware upgrade is not required.

  • Total: 20
  • Total: 20


Conexiones eléctricas

Características electricas

Especificaciones ambientales

Sensor de temperatura, margen de error

Sensor de humedad, margen de error

Interfaz de usuario


Wireless M-Bus

Maestro M-Bus integrado

Receptores inalámbricos M-Bus

Interfaz esclava M-Bus


Almacenamiento de datos (ejemplos)

Red móvil

Red fija (Ethernet)



Connections and Interfaces
