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CMi4140 LoRaWAN Modul Extern Antenn Kit - För Kamstrup Multical 403/603/803

The Meter Connectivity Module (MCM) CMi4140 is the ideal addition to Kamstrup Multical 403/603/803 meters. As an IoT device, the communication module uses the LoRaWAN network to transmit measurement data to a receiving server. In addition, the collected data is automatically compiled into radio telegrams. A long communication range and a long battery life of at least eleven years speak for the use of the CMi4140, as well as the uncomplicated configuration via NFC and the easy upgradeability. The activation and commissioning of the CMi4140 meter module is also simple.

What's included in the box:

  • CMi4140 LoRaWAN module
  • External magnet mount antenna, 2,5 m cable. MCX connection (interchangeable with internal antenna)
  • The module shares power source with the meter


Elektriska anslutningar

Elektriska egenskaper


Temperatursensor, felmarginal

Luftfuktighetssensor, felmarginal



Trådlös M-Bus

Integrerad M-Bus Master

Trådlös M-Bus mottagare

M-Bus slavgränssnitt


Lagring av mätdata (exempel)

Mobilt nätverk

Fast nätverk (Ethernet)



Connections and Interfaces
