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Job Angebote bei Elvaco

Elvaco ist ein wachsendes Unternehmen mit talentierten, bodenständigen Menschen, die das gewisse Extra liefern wollen und dabei auch noch Spaß haben!


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Continued trust from Borås Energy and Environment

Continued trust from Borås Energy and Environment

Borås Energy and Environment has been a customer of ours for many years.

Since they are going to replace about 2500 meters from an old radio system to hourly readings via GPRS, procurement was made through VÄRMEK. The choice fell on a point-to-point solution with heat meters from TLS and integrated communication modules from Elvaco. The products used are the UH50 meter from Landis+Gyr delivered via TLS, and our integrated Gateway for mobile network, CMi2110. Choosing a communication module that is integrated in the meter provides a cost effective solution where customers receive a direct connected product and don't need to do any additional wiring.

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