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A Christmas gift that makes a difference for sick children and their families

A Christmas gift that makes a difference for sick children and their families

This Christmas, we have chosen to make a donation to Ronald McDonald Children's Fund. Our gift gives them the opportunity to support more families whose lives are turned upside down with a child's need for specialist care.

With our help, more families can be offered a homelike and safe accommodation at Ronald McDonald House, near the hospital.

Ronald McDonald House is a place where the family can relax, have a life as normal as possible and above all; be together to be the support the child needs.
Each year, 3200 families live at Ronald McDonald House while the child receives specialist care. There is a great demand and far from all families get to stay. Last year, we had to deny almost 900 families. With help, we can offer more families an opportunity to stay together and live in a safe and homelike environment, while their children are being treated at the hospital next door.

Read more about Ronald McDonald Children's Fund


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