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Job Angebote bei Elvaco

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Elvaco is the first choice in temperature control

Elvaco is the first choice in temperature control

Elvaco won HBV's procurement for products and services in temperature controlling, something we are very proud of.

This means that our flexible and user-friendly products now are the first choice for affiliated SABO companies. We see it as a confirmation that we offer a first-rate solution for temperature control!

The procurement came into force on January 16 and includes products for automation, indoor climate control, and systems for controlling and monitoring. Elvaco is ranked number one in the procurement and supplies products in all areas. The agreement lasts for two years, with the possibility of renewal for another one plus one year.

The reason why Elvaco is chosen as a supplier is our products' open interface, high quality and reliability. It is important for us to offer the customer a flexible solution that they can live with for many years and where they have the opportunity to also develop the system with products from other suppliers. We also provide service and support throughout the project, which makes us a safe partner. With our solution, we help the customer to save energy, which is positive for both economy and the environment. We are also contributing to a more sustainable society.

Elvaco provides open end-to-end solutions for utility metering, aiming to support our customers to develop their sustainable business. We are specialized in energy connectivity and infrastructure, from meters and sensors to cloud-based systems and services.

HBV conducts coordinated procurement for products and services related to construction, renovation and management of real estate. With more than 180 framework agreements, they help their member companies manage and develop the accommodation for their tenants.

For questions concerning the agreement, contact Michael Allard, +46 40 122774 / michael.allard@elvaco.se

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