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Job Angebote bei Elvaco

Elvaco ist ein wachsendes Unternehmen mit talentierten, bodenständigen Menschen, die das gewisse Extra liefern wollen und dabei auch noch Spaß haben!


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Secure key management in our meter modules for LoRaWAN and NB-IoT

Secure key management in our meter modules for LoRaWAN and NB-IoT

One unique advantage with Elvaco's LoRaWAN and NB-IoT meter modules is that they are equipped with a hardware security module (HSM).

The HSM, or "crypto chip", saves and locks the keys so no unauthorized user can manipulate them. The only way to use the keys is via the highly secure Elvaco One-Touch Commissioning Web Service. Our customers get a secure solution where they can feel 100% safe!

Contact our sales department at sales@elvaco.se for more information.

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