Environmental and quality policy
Elvaco’s business concept is to sell products and services to measure energy and water so that our customers can make the right decisions to optimize their work. We operate in Sweden, Europe and the rest of the world. Our customers operate primarily in electricity grids, real estate and district heating.
Our environmental work
We continuously strive towards reducing and economising the resources in our operations in order to improve the overall environmental impact of our business and products. We do this by:
- Reducing the greenhouse gas emissions from our transports. We coordinate travel and deliveries when possible and use modern technology to replace certain physical meetings.
- Sorting waste according to our routines, we try to minimize waste generation and reuse what we can.
- Placing demands on our subcontractors from an environmental and quality perspective. Significant and / or company-critical subcontractors must be ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 certified or have equivalent management systems.
- Basing our development work on a life-cycle perspective, in cases where it is possible to choose components that have a lower environmental impact.
Our quality work
In short, our quality work can be summarized that we will deliver the products and services that our customers ordered in the time the customer wanted and we confirmed.
Our processes are followed up regularly to make sure we live up to the requirements; our own internal and our customers' requirements.
We work actively to handle continuous improvements and, in that way, document experiences from the entire company with the aim of constantly improving. All deviations and improvements are brought together in a system for more efficient management, action and follow-up.
Obviously, we follow applicable laws, regulations and other relevant requirements.