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CMe3100 Add-on license JSON


CMe3100 Add-on license JSON

By purchasing a feature license, new services can be enabled for CMe3100, for example Modbus, REST or JSON.

N.b! Activating new plugins require a certain firmware of the CMe3100, which means that a firmware upgrade is neeeded in order to start use the plugin. If purchasing a CMe3100 including a plugin, the CMe3100 is delivered with the latest firmware and a firmware upgrade is not required.


Electrical connections

Electrical characteristics

Environmental specifications

Temperature sensor, margin of error

Humidity sensor, margin of error

User interface


Wireless M-Bus

Integrated M-Bus Master

Wireless M-Bus Receiver

M-Bus slave interface


Data storage (examples)

Mobile Network

Fixed Network (Ethernet)



Connections and Interfaces
